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Why I'm my client's favorite
Realtor in Kansas City.

North Kansas City Realtor - Stephanie Cunningham

Do some Realtors give you the “ick”? 

Me too, so I became one.

Here's why...

Providing wholesome honest service is a core part of who I am and why I chose real estate.

Working behind the scenes in the real estate industry since 2015, I’ve learned a lot. Undertaking roles like executive administrative assistant, compliance officer, office manager, transaction coordinator, agent training, agent support – you name it. My diverse professional experience has sharpened my attention to detail and organizational skills, making real estate processes and procedures second nature to me.

I obtained my license in 2020 to enhance my administrative role, and help friends and family part-time after business hours. April of 2023, I stepped out from behind the desk, changed brokerages, and became a Realtor full-time to be the change I wanted to see.

Checkup on your home's current value - free, secure, and foolproof.


Understanding Earnest Money: How it effects both buyers and sellers.

The ache for home lives in all of us. The safe place where we can go as we are and not be questioned.

What Your Realtor Needs to Know

A friend is one of the nicest things you can have, and one of the best things you can be.

The Ultimate Guide to Essential Year-Round Home Maintenance

A little proactive care today saves a lot of reactive work tomorrow.